Joey & Paige
Joey and Paige have been married for 4 years
About Joey
AGE: 28
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Actuarial Science
OCCUPATION: Consulting Actuary
INTERESTS: Joey enjoys watching movies, seeing and listening to live music, and woodworking.
About Paige
AGE: 32
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Social Work
INTERESTS: Paige enjoys gardening, baking, caring for animals, and quilting.
Expectant Moms
You are are rockstars. Thank you for considering adoption. We are thankful for you and think about you often. Joey and I (Paige) have known since the beginning of our relationship that we wanted to be parents. Before we were married, I spoke to Joey about my desire to adopt a child. He had never considered adoption for himself but had no reservations. We discussed having a biological child as well and decided to try to have a baby naturally first. After a miscarriage, a year of trying, and lots of visits to the doctor we discovered that I was born with only half of a uterus (weird right?!). Some couples would be devastated by this news, but we were actually totally okay with it. Because we had already wanted to add to our family through adoption, it just felt like God was directing us to have our kids in this way.
Joey and I are really normal people. We like to try new foods and drink a good cup of coffee. I like to garden and cook using the things that I grow, and Joey likes to ferment garden grown peppers to make hot sauce. We usually play trivia once a week with friends, and we both love to get lost in a good book or show. Joey has a job at an actuarial firm that provides everything that we need. I stopped my work as a mental health case manager during the pandemic to focus on caring for sick animals through a local shelter. So our house usually has a rotating door of bottle baby kittens or puppies hanging out in it. We work really hard to make sure our home is welcoming to people and animals alike no matter how long they are staying.
If we sound like the right fit for you, we would love if you considered us to adopt your child. What that means for you is that we will meet you where you are. If you want a relationship with us, we would love one with you. If you need some space or time, we understand that too. Our goal is to adopt a child and to raise them and love them fully. We recognize that you and your family are a part of this child, so we will love you too in whatever way you need.
We hope this letter finds you well. Thanks again for being amazing.
Paige and Joey
24/7 Pregnancy Line: +1 260-376-1723 (call or text)
You don’t have to do this alone.
As an expecting mom, you don’t have to do this alone. We will meet you where you are and walk alongside as you consider your path. Having over 20 years of experience in adoption, we understand the unique challenges you are facing.