Errik & Luciana
Errik and Luciana have been married for 14 years and do not yet have children.
About Errik
AGE: 46
EDUCATION: Master’s Degree
OCCUPATION: Senior Project Manager
INTERESTS: Errik enjoys spending time with family, going on family trips, spending time with his two dogs, and listening to rock music
About Luciana
AGE: 42
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Business Finance
OCCUPATION: Executive Director for Non-Profit Organization
INTERESTS: Luciana enjoys playing with her two doggie girls named Usagi and Spice, listening to music, dancing, watching court shows, and going on outings with her family and Godchildren
Expectant Moms
Dear Expectant Parent:
Firstly, thank you so much for your great act of unselfishness and the loving choice you have made. We want to express how excited we are to add your beautiful child to our family through the adoption process and have a lifelong connection with you and your child. May God bless you greatly. We are so very grateful for you. Regarding our reasoning behind our adoption journey, we have endeavored to have children naturally of our own for over 14 years. Due to infertility, we have gone through nine failed In Vitro Fertilizations; countless attempts through other procedures to treat infertility; as well as continuing to try to conceive naturally. Though our journey has been arduous, we have kept the faith and our hopes high. We are grateful to God for leading us to Gateway Woods Organization. We are so excited in becoming a blessing to you and your loving family in allowing us to raise your child. We are very grateful once again for you and we cannot thank you enough. You have become a key piece in our journey in raising a family.
If I may take the time to introduce Errik and I to you:
I would describe myself as Fun, loving, family-oriented, and a music-lover. I am the youngest out of my four siblings. Math was my favorite subject in school. In High School, I was in the National Honors Society. In college, I graduated with my Bachelor of Science with a major in Business Finance in 2001. I am currently an Executive Director of a Nonprofit Organization that provides low-income individuals and families with housing with case management and supportive services. My hobbies are playing with my two doggie girls named Usagi and Spice, listening to music, dancing, watching court shows, and going on outings with my family and Godchildren.
Errik is family oriented as well. Out of his two sisters he is the middle child and of Polish descent. Errik is Loving, Adventurous, a Goal Achiever, and Dependable. Errik is a Senior Project Manager for a Construction company. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering in 2013 and graduated with his Master’s Degree in 2015. His hobbies are spending time with family, going on family trips, spending time with our two dogs, and listening to rock music. Ozzy Osbourne is his favorite rock artist. One of his favorite lyrics from one of his songs is, “It’s not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate.”
We know the decision to search for adoptive parents must be a difficult one. Hopefully, our letter has helped make the decision a little easier, giving you peace of mind in knowing we will dedicate our lives to your baby’s safe, secure, and happy future. We hope to hear from you soon and that together we can form a bond as well as a plan to provide a safe and loving home for your child.
Sincerely ,
Luciana and Errik
24/7 Pregnancy Line: +1 260-376-1723 (call or text)
You don’t have to do this alone.
As an expecting mom, you don’t have to do this alone. We will meet you where you are and walk alongside as you consider your path. Having over 20 years of experience in adoption, we understand the unique challenges you are facing.